Art, music, and creativity, in general, are gifts. The ideas we conjure up for their manifestations are offered to us from the cosmos, and when we accept an offering to turn that inspiration into art, we become part of a sacred process. 

Blending personal experiences, memories and beliefs with bits and pieces from above, which often feel foreign or even uncomfortable whilst creating. Some artworks are challenging, but from start to finish, this piece was pure bliss. It felt like walking into a magical room inside your home that you never knew existed or seeing somewhere you thought you knew through clear eyes… 

Sal chose the colour pallet for this artwork, I painted the piece over seven weeks, and then ‘Mirror, Mirror’ was born ✨ a reflection of self and above, in a new phase of my journey with art. This piece has already sold and is on route to its new home onboard the @scenic.eclipse ii 🚀 thanks for the 📸 @jar_osullivan_studio

Title: Mirror, Mirror

Medium: Oil and acrylic on linen

Size: 180 x 140cm

Year: April 2023

Price: SOLD

To make an enquiry on this piece please use the contact form below.


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